벡크만쿨터 라이프사이언스 기술문서
beckman.kr에서 장비, 시약 및 각 제품의 기술 문서에 엑세스할 수 있습니다.
- 유저 매뉴얼 (Instructions for Use Manuals)
- 시험 성적서 (Certificate of Analysis)
- 물질안전보건자료 (Safety Data Sheets)
- 품질보증서 (Certificate of Compliance)
- 적합성 선언 (Declaration of Conformity)
- 분석 시트 (Assay Sheets)
기술 문서 (Technical Document)를 찾는 유용한 팁!
Part Numbers
- In the website header search bar, enter the part number (e.g., C01994) for your instrument, consumables, reagent, part or accessory.
- Click the magnifying glass to submit your query. Search results for that part number will appear.
- Select the Technical Document tab at the top of the search results.
- Use the Document Type filter, to select the type of document you’re searching for.
- Click on the document title (blue link) to access your document.
Workflow Application
- In the website header search bar, enter a workflow/application keyword phrase (e.g., dna extraction).
- Click the magnifying glass to submit your query. Search results for that application keyword phrase will appear.
- Select the Technical Document tab at the top of the search results.
- Use the Product Series filter to select the product line for the document you’re seeking.
- Use the Document Type filter to select the type of technical document you need.
- Click on the document title (blue link) to access your document.
Product Page
- In the website header search bar, enter the part number (e.g., C01994) for your instrument, consumables, reagent, part or accessory.
- Click the magnifying glass to submit your query. Search results for that part number will appear.
- Select the Products tab at the top of the search results.
- Click on the product you’re seeking a document for, which will direct you to the product page.
- Next to the relevant product image, click the Technical Documents link, which will take you to a custom search results page for that part number.
- Select the Technical Document tab at the top of the search results.
- Use the Document Type filter to select the type of document you need.
- Click on the document title (blue link) to access your document.
Main Navigation
- From the main navigation bar, hover your mouse over Support.
- Under Support > Technical Documents, select the type of document you’re looking for (e.g., Safety Data Sheet). Search results for that document type will appear.
- Use the Product Series filter to select the product line for the document you’re seeking.
- OR, use the Part Number filter to select or search for the document you need (e.g., Part #C10284).
- Click on the document title (blue link) to access your document.